Business Education Resources Blog
Articles of interest for business education, marketing metrics/analytics, entrepreneurship, and strategy.
Posted at 17:27h
Remember being graded on the curve? Maybe you still are. Should managers "grade" their employees' performance on the curve? What impact does this have on employee morale and company culture? What is the role of employee development under this system?
These are some of the questions pondered by Josh Bersin in his LinkedIn post, The Myth of the Bell Curve....
Posted at 19:16h
I've started reading Seth Godin's blog on a daily basis. You might like to as well. I appreciate that he publishes his thoughts at the beginning of each day. That is when my mind is open enough to explore and ponder (for me anyway, yours might be at the end of the evening). I appreciated what Seth had to say in this recent blog post, so I'm sharing it with you. If you're a student in business school, headed for a future in an yet, undetermined company, consider his words. What kind of company...
Posted at 14:39h
We're pleased to announce that we've partnered with AxcessCapon to provide marketing professors and professionals an integrated book and problem set package. Noel Capon has worked with us to create a special edition of Capon's Marketing Framework that has integrated MBTN modules packaged with this edition. The price for the electronic version of this bundle is $49.70, a far cry from most marketing textbooks. Plus students have the opportunity to practice the implementation of many of the concepts presented in the text.
The modules integrated in the electronic version of the textbook are:
Chapter 2 includes two...
Posted at 05:51h
The morning of April 6th starting at 6am EST, we will be upgrading the tutorials from Flash to HTML5. We expect this to take less than an hour to complete and during that time, you should have access to the pdf files. Like Flash, HTML is not compatible with all systems, but we expect this will be a good improvement for those of you on tablets. Please let us know if you experience any problems with the new tutorials....
Posted at 12:28h
I love interviews and books that send your mind spinning with creative thoughts and new directions. Seth's interview with Krista Tippett is one of those interviews that would benefit marketers and entrepreneurs alike. It's an hour long, but perfect for your morning commute or to discuss with your study group or executive team!
Seth Godin on Being Interview...
Posted at 12:24h
Neil Bendle, one of our authors as well as a co-author of Marketing Metrics, hosts a website discussing problems in management thinking and provides resources for teachers, students and managers. Please visit if you get a chance, at
Posted at 13:35h
The Mission of MASB is to “Establish marketing measurement and accountability standards across industry and domain for continuous improvement in financial performance and for the guidance and education of business decision makers and users of performance and financial information.”
Establishing the Marketing Accountability Standards Board (MASB) was recommended by The Boardroom Project body after a three-year study of current practices, needs, and marketing accountability initiatives underway across the marketing industry. The study concluded that while marketing was not ignoring issues surrounding metrics and accountability, practices and initiatives underway were narrow in focus, lacking integration and generally not tied to financial performance...
Posted at 16:40h
"For the more pedestrian MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), the simple podium lecture captured and released, the difference between a real college course and a MOOC is like the difference between playing golf and watching golf. Both can be exciting and enjoyable. Both can be boring and frustrating. But they are not the same thing."
Recently, the University of Virginia was thrown into civilized upheaval over the dismissal of their President, Teresa Sullivan. One of the reasons cited for her dismissal was failure to move quickly enough into MOOC. UVa professor Siva Vaidhyanathan explores this topic further in this...
Posted at 12:04h
From David Brooks' article in today's NYTimes:
"In a blended online world, a local professor could select not only the reading material, but do so from an array of different lecturers, who would provide different perspectives from around the world. The local professor would do more tutoring and conversing and less lecturing."
We are still discovering how on-line education changes the student's learning experience. But we should also consider how the role of the professor may need to adjust in this blended world. ...
Posted at 11:13h
"Companies say they need flexible thinkers with innovative ideas and a broad knowledge base derived from exposure to multiple disciplines. And while most recruiters don't outright avoid business majors, companies in consulting, technology and even finance say they're looking for candidates with a broader academic background."
A long-standing debate regarding the most popular major on college campuses today. What's your opinion?
Wealth or Waste? Rethinking the Value of a Business Major...