Social Initiatives | MBTN Academy - Online Learning Tutorials, Problem Sets, and Certifications for Business Education
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Social Initiatives

5% of MBTN revenues support these wonderful organizations.
Since 2014, MBTN has partnered with organizations to make a difference in our interconnected world. Each year, 5% of MBTN’s revenues support these organizations – and this is where you come in. We want your input as to which groups’ missions resonate with you. They are all smaller organizations and we know from personal experience they will make good use of these funds.  Each of these organizations make meaningful differences in the communities they serve.  Below is a brief description of each organization and you can vote on which group should receive your funds on your account page in MBTN.
Here’s how it works. The more problem sets you answer correctly in your work, the more the organization you’ve chosen will receive. That’s what we call a win-win. You learn more, and the organizations you support earn more financial resources to further their mission. And who knows, perhaps you’ll be motivated to do something for one of these organizations on your own or with your friends. Build a house. Lead a bike trip. Or maybe you’ll just find another opportunity to “pay it forward” with an organization of your own choosing.
Youth Development, Fitness, Community.
The underlying philosophy of Momentum Bike Clubs is anchored in Positive Youth Development, an intentional approach that engages youth within their communities in a manner that is constructive and affirming of their assets and strengths. It also promotes positive outcomes for youth by providing opportunities, fostering positive relationships, and offering consistent support to build on their leadership potential.
For more information about Momentum Bike Clubs, please visit the Momentum Bike Club website or Friend them on Facebook.
Cultural Enrichment, Music, Education, Arts.
The Blue Ridge Irish Music School (BRIMS) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to teaching the living art of Irish traditional music and fostering a dynamic environment for it in Central Virginia and beyond. Our objective is to teach people that music can be more than just a radio or concert experience: it can also be part of the fabric of everyday life, family, and community.
For more information about BRIMS please visit the BRIMS Website or Friend them on Facebook.
Housing, Health Care, and Education along the Mexican / US border.
Faith Ministry/Ministerio de Fe, Inc. was founded in 1994 in McAllen, Texas by Deantin Guerra to address the needs of the “poorest of the poor” in Mexico while providing ministry and service opportunities for groups in the U.S.
For more information about Faith Ministry and the work they do in Reynosa, Mexico please visit the Faith Ministry Website or Friend them on Facebook.
Free legal services for those in need
CVLAS is a non-profit community of lawyers who provide free civil legal services to low-income individuals in crisis.  We believe in the enormous power of lawyers to make a tangible difference in the lives of individuals and communities.  Low income or elderly people who need assistance in civil (non-criminal) matters are provided advice or representation by staff attorneys and also by volunteer private attorneys.   CVLAS has offices in Charlottesville, Richmond and Petersburg serving five independent cities and fifteen counties.  Legal services are free for all who qualify.  Services include domestic & sexual violence, housing issues, homelessness, public benefits, unemployment, wills and consumer defenses.
For more information about our services please visit the CVLAS website or read our brochure.
Environment, Pipeline Opposition, Property Rights.
Friends of Nelson’s mission is to protect property rights, property values, rural heritage and the environment for all the citizens of Nelson County, Virginia by opposing the proposed $4.5 billion to $5 billion 550-mile Atlantic Coast Natural Gas pipeline which would run from Harrison County, West Virginia, southeast through Virginia with an extension to Chesapeake, Virginia, and then south through eastern North Carolina to Robeson County.  In 2020, Dominion Resources abandoned their plan to build the pipeline, due to escalating costs and market conditions for natural gas (and ongoing grass roots opposition to the plan from groups like FON).  We congratulate them on their success and were happy to contribute in a small way to conclusion.
For more information about Friends of Nelson please visit the Friends of Nelson Website or Friend them on Facebook.