01 Jun Optimization 1 – June’s Free MBTN Tutorial
For June, we’re delighted to provide you with a sneak preview of the first in a series of modules on Optimization Modelling. Optimization is the process of finding the best managerial decision from an array of feasible solutions according to criterion and constraints. In daily life, we are often faced with optimization problems. Examples include calculating the shortest route from home to work or family budget planning.
Whether you’re a student, a professional, or an entrepreneur, mastering optimization techniques can significantly enhance your workflow and help you achieve your goals with ease. Optimization is all about finding smarter and more efficient ways to complete tasks, streamline processes, and maximize output. By implementing these techniques, you can save time, reduce effort, and improve overall performance in various aspects of your life.
This module discusses the fundamentals of mathematical programming as a method for optimizing managerial and economic processes and systems. The tutorial also introduces how to use tools within Microsoft Excel for solving optimization problems. Look for more announcements in the coming months as this new series becomes available.
The free link has expired, but check out this month’s tutorial under the Business Education Resources Blog.
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Our complete catalog of MBTN modules
MBTN All Modules and Certifications ($99.95)
We hope you enjoy this month’s tutorial on Optimization and mathematical programming.
Best regards,
Your Team at MBTN Academy
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